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Pantanal Jaguar Safaris offers you extension tours through Brazil that have been crafted to provide you with a once-in-a-lifetime experience. We take you to the incredible NorthEast Brazil, the Atlantic Rainforest and the Iguassu Falls. 



Consisting of 275 separate falls along a stretch of 2.7 kilometres, the water cascading over the edge has a surface area of around 40 hectares surrounded by tropical forests and national parks. 

Pantanal Jaguar Safaris offers wildlife and birding Tours in the National Park of Iguassu and day-trips to the falls. 



The Atlantic forest, which stretches along the coast of Brazil and inland to Paraguay and Argentina, is one of the most vulnerable forests in the world. It once covered a million square kilometres - four times the size of the UK. Today, only 7% of the original forest remains intact - but it’s still home to an amazing array of species.


This large scrubland in northeastern Brazil provides habitat for an array of flora and fauna species; over 1,200 species of vascular plants occur here, of which thirty percent is endemic. Particularly rich in avifauna, over three hundred and fifty species are found here including two of the ten most threatened birds in the world, the indigo macaw and little blue macaw. With an amazing amount of endemic and very special birds North East Brazil has become a fantastic new area for birders. It’s a vast region with a substantial diversity of habitats to provide for an extremely varied avifauna.

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