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Photo: Alex Ley


  • The Itatiaia National Park is a conservation area that protects important remnants of the Atlantic Forest Biome. Located in the Itatiaia Massif in the Mantiqueira Mountains, between the states of Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais on a forested slope. This is the oldest national park in Brazil, created on June 14, 1937.

  • The vegetation of the park is exuberant, as is the avifauna. Itatiaia provides many of Brazil's endemic species. Specialties in the park include Saffron Toucanets, Red-breasted Toucan, Green-crowned Plovercrest, Surucua Trogon, Blond-crested Woodpecker, Itatiaia Spinetail, Slaty Bristlefront, Shrike-like and Black-and-Gold Cotinga and many more.

  • The different altitudes and habitats make the park one of the most popular places in South America for ecotourism and birdwatching. Birders may want to spend 4 to 6 or more days here, as the park is a centre of Brazilian avifauna endemism.



Day 1.
Arrival São Paulo or Rio de Janeiro

Arrival at the airport and transfer to Itatiaia National Park.. Check-in and lunch. After our midday break we go birding on the feeders around the Hotel where it is possible to see various species of hummingbirds such as the Black Jacobin, Scale throated hermit and Violet-capped Woodnymph. Dinner and Overnight. (L,D).

Day 2.
Full day at the National Park

Birding and photographing. on the Lower trail in the National Park (B,L,D)

Day 3.
Full day at the National Park

Full day birding and photographing on the higher trail in the National Park. .(B,L,D).

Day 4.
Transfer back to the airport 
Breakfast and check-out. Transfer to airport in time for our departure flight.

Please ask for your desired period in CONTACT&QUOTATION.

*lodging subject to availability.

Availability: All year round
Gateway city: São Paulo or Rio de Janeiro
Duration: 02-04 nights
Departure: Daily
Accommodation: 01 lodge


  • All transfers

  • English-speaking wildlife guide

  • Accommodation

  • Three meals per day

  • Excursions (boat safaris, overland safaris, walking safaris, night safaris)

  • Wi-fi where present

Not Included:

  • Flights

  • Extra accommodation and meals

  • Travel insurance

  • Beverage, Phone calls, Laundry



Ipê Hotel

  • 4 stars lodge in the middle of the Atlantic Rainforest forest, 

  • Good chances to see wildlife  and subtropical South-american birds.

  • AC, wifi, laundry, hot shower.


CNPJ: 17.241.382/0001-48 | CADASTUR: 13.054082.10.00



        +55 65 999754406 | +55 65 996097994



          Pantanal Jaguar Safaris, CP 19

          Est. Rural Vale do Jamacá

          Chapada dos Guimarães, MT

          CEP: 78195-000


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