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Wildlife Photography Brazil


 Photographic Tours in the Pantanal, Amazon and Brazilian Savanna

​Jaguars, Ocelots, Giant Anteaters, Giant Otters, Yellow Anacondas, Toucans, Macaws and an array of neotropical birds.

Located on Brazil's border with Bolivia, the Pantanal is an ever-changing celebration of life. Its sheer size, around 150 000 square kilometers, makes it the largest wetland in the world. Located in the middle of the continent on the border of Bolivia, the lowland plains are characterized by pronounced wet and dry seasons. Habitats range from semi-deciduous and evergreen forests to palm woodlands and floodable grasslands.  This mosaic of seasonally-flooded savannas and tropical forests offers the finest wildlife viewing in Latin America. Its spectacular biodiversity includes: 698 birds species, 80 mammals, 260 fish species and 50 reptiles. This all make the Pantanal one of the most photographically productive wildlife habitats on the entire continent. Few places offer so many animals of such variety, so spectacularly visible, as the Pantanal. Wide open swamp areas facilitate the spotting of animals such as the March Deer, the Giant Anteater, the Maned Wolf, the South-American Tapir, the Giant Otter, the Yellow Anaconda, the Howler Monkey and the Jaguar. As these mammals have not been photgraphed extensively, they will all be potential targets for our lenses. While the mammals are impressive, it is the amazing abundance of birds that gives the Pantanal its fame. Large numbers of beautiful and rare birds such as the Hyacinth Macaw and the Black-and-White Hawk-Eagle are often seen. We photograph the Pantanal’s fantastic variety of wildlife while exploring the Transpantaneira road by vehicle and exploring a vast labyrinth of rivers in small boats.  Here, our cameras capture an array of stiking birds and of course the Jabiru, the world’s largest stork and iconic symbol of the Pantanal. Families of capybaras are often seen grazing right alongside the voracious caiman. Noisy groups of playful giant otters patrol these same rivers and we stand for good opportunities to photograph them at close range.From July to December, when the water level in the rivers are low, jaguars like to rest on beaches and will be added to our Pantanal’s photographic repertoire! They monitor these rivers and wait for for the perfect ambush  along the sandy banks. Being outstanding swimmers, they often cool down with a refreshing dip as the day heats up. These amazing Pantanal jaguars are the world’s largest jaguar subspecies and big, photogenic males can weigh over 140kg. The greatest spectacle of all is provided by the amazing variety of water birds concentrated on these wetlands to probe, sift and stab for prey. They include 5 species of kingfishers, huge numbers of egrets, herons, ibis and wood storks, as well as spoonbills and jabiru storks. If you’re a serious nature traveler and you’ve never been to the Pantanal, you’ve really missed one of Planet  Earth’s greatest wildlife habitats and photography destinations! Elusive jaguars and a realm of other charismatic wildlife provide undreamed of photographic opportunities. 

Our Photographic Tour are guided by PJS professional wildlife photographers, ensuring that you return with an outstanding portifolio of images, ranging from striking birds such as the Golden Collared Macaw and Orange-Backed Troupial, to the imposing Jaguar and Giant Anteater.


Wildlife Photography Tour 8 nights


CNPJ: 17.241.382/0001-48 | CADASTUR: 13.054082.10.00



        +55 65 999754406 | +55 65 996097994



          Pantanal Jaguar Safaris, CP 19

          Est. Rural Vale do Jamacá

          Chapada dos Guimarães, MT

          CEP: 78195-000


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